Over 400 Associates Participate in Michelman’s Commitment to Community Day

September 30, 2020 Off By Sebastian Reisig

Michelman held its 9th Annual Commitment to Community Day on September 25, 2020. Even in a global pandemic, over 400 associates safely volunteered their time at various charitable & non-profit organizations throughout the USA, Belgium, Luxembourg, Japan, Singapore, and China. Many volunteer activities were conducted outdoors while wearing masks and gloves and following social distancing guidelines. 
Mr. Steve Shifman, Michelman’s President & CEO, explained, “I’m especially proud of our associates this year. While both Michelman and the organizations we served continue to have strict COVID restrictions in place, everyone involved collaborated to create innovative opportunities to safely give back to our communities. This commitment to our annual global day of service is truly inspiring.”
In the USA, Michelman associates volunteered at organizations throughout the Cincinnati region, including Stepping Stones Ohio, Redwood, People Working Cooperatively, YMCA Camp Ernst, Easterseals, Gorman Heritage Farm, The Point Arc, Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, and the Freestore Foodbank. And, new this year, Michelman associates had opportunities to volunteer from home. Associates volunteering onsite participated in gardening, light construction, and outdoor painting. Those volunteering from home assembled study kits, made educational toys, or wrote notes of encouragement for seniors who continue to be quarantined.