Museum Of Brands To Celebrate The Best Of Cartonboard Packaging In New Exhibition: Save The Planet

Museum Of Brands To Celebrate The Best Of Cartonboard Packaging In New Exhibition: Save The Planet

October 24, 2019 Off By Sebastian Reisig

The Museum of Brands in Notting Hill, London, will host a new exhibition from 14 October 2019, in partnership with Pro Carton, the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers, to celebrate environmentally friendly carton-based packaging.

‘Save the Planet’ entries from this year’s European Carton Excellence Awards will be on display for three months to highlight the very best in recyclable, renewable and biodegradable cartonboard. The exhibition includes this year’s winner, Van Genechten’s BalloonGrip, made using Stora Enso cartonboard. The judges said the product provides an ingenious, recyclable and biodegradable replacement for plastic balloon holders, allowing balloons to be tied so that air does not leak out and the balloon is held securely.