BBC: How to solve the plastic packaging paradox

April 10, 2019 Off By Sebastian Reisig

The BBC, or Tim Harford of “50 Things That Made the Modern Economy” published an article about plastic packaging. He sums up a lot of positive arguments and facts pro plastic, far away from all the hysteria that we usually see in the mass media:

According to a UK government report, only 3% of food is wasted before it gets to shops. In developing countries, that figure can be 50% – and that difference is partly due to how the food is packaged. As more of us live in cities, far from where food is grown, this matters.

It seems clear the solution will not be no packaging – it will be better packaging, dreamed up in research and development labs of the kind that gave us moisture-proof cellophane all those decades ago.

You may find the full article here